Welcome to Ssst.space, the space about Ssst, with which you can implement a seclusion.
Quite a number of serious and global security issues have been reported over the last years. Governments that we used to trust and intelligence agencies and military that we thought were helping and protecting us turned out to be able to eavesdrop on virtually everything we do. It also became clear that large technical companies and internet providers assist in this, that products like operating systems and SIM cards and services like search engines are all tools in this intelligence gathering and that even your own keyboard can spy on you. Trust appeared to be a relative term.
In some situations small groups of people wish or need to have a digital environment where they feel really secure and their files and communications remain really private. They would like to have the idea that they themselves are in control of its security and that they are able to keep the parties mentioned above out of it in a pretty good way.
Secure Secluded Sphere Technology provides such a space. The Ssst suite consists of a set of tools and procedures that allow a group of people to "get off the grid", in the sense that they do not use the regular internet and regular phone, text, chat and mail functionality anymore. Instead, it implements a secure virtual sphere hovering on top of the existing grid: a seclusion. This sphere shields communication and content from everything and everybody except for your own group - your group becomes secluded.
Interested? Contact Jacob (dot) Mulder (at) G Mail (.) com.